Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

August 22nd, 2005

Approved August 28, 2005


Committee Attendees

Michael Baskin

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Craig Edwards

Bob Levin

David Gordon



Guest Attendees

David Grasfield

Barbara Nadler


Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Michael Baskin.


As the quorum did not exist, approval of minutes for August 8th and August 15th were deferred to the next meeting.


Copies of the current Weston & Sampson report regarding the Hydrogeologic Investigation at the Wilber School (the CHAPA Report) were distributed along with a summary prepared by Peter O’Cain. Additionally it was noted that the Board of Selectmen are hosting a meeting on August 30th in which Weston and Sampson will present the report results to the WSRC as well as several other town committees.


Lealdon and Diane Langley are scheduled to speak on waste water disposal and green building design at the 8/29 meeting. Discussion focused on the need to review the CHAPA Report at this meeting as well as prior to the Selectmen meeting. It was suggested that time limits be set for the discussion so as to keep the meeting to a reasonable length of time. Interest was also expressed in the 9/12 meeting in which Koff, Bluestone and Crane will present. 


Members present also expressed the need for the committee to refocus and define the appropriate strategy for moving forward. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM by mutual consent.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle Levitts, Secretary